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'Vaccinate Your Baby' Public Service Announcements from Every Child by Two and the American Academy of Pediatrics (Featuring Amanda Peet) -- How Will You Use This Story? -- Why vaccinate? Simply put, vaccines save lives. Parents have the power to protect their babies from dangerous illnesses like measles, tetanus, and hepatitis. Being a parent is a big responsibility--and the best thing that parents can do for their children's health is to learn the facts, so that they can make the best choices. Thanks to America's successful vaccination program, parents today have been spared witnessing the devastating effects of many diseases. Polio, for example, paralyzed millions of children worldwide, before the vaccine was created. In the U.S. and throughout the world, measles infects nearly 23 million people, each year. In 2005, measles killed about 345,000 people--311,000 of which were children under the age of five. Diseases such as hepatitis, whooping cough, and measles can still infect children who are not protected. In fact, each year, the press publishes stories of disease outbreaks in under-vaccinated communities across the U.S. Claims have been made, over the years, regarding the safety of some routine childhood vaccines, suggesting that they are the cause of disorders such as autism. Top researchers from around the world have investigated each of these claims--and have concluded that vaccines do not cause autism or any other chronic disorders. Vaccinate Your Baby is an awareness campaign that was launched by Every Child By Two--an organization devoted both to raising awareness of the critical need for timely immunization, and to foster a systematic way to immunize all of America's children by age two. The Vaccinate Your Baby website (at was launched in August of 2008--and features news and information for parents who wish to learn the truth about immunization, and how best to protect their children from vaccine-preventable diseases. AUDIO
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