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Detroit-Area Child-Vaccination Public Service Announcements from Pfizer -- How Will You Use This Story? -- Do you know if your children are up-to-date with their immunizations? Being a parent requires a lot of work--and one of the most-important things is helping to keep your children healthy. To help make sure that they stay on top of their game, it's important to stay on top of their vaccinations: The CDC recommends a vaccination schedule that helps protect against 14 serious diseases, before age two. There's a lot to consider, when it comes to your child's health--but getting your children vaccinated with all doses, at the scheduled times, is one of the most-important steps that you can take to help protect them from serious illnesses. Visit to find information about CDC-recommended vaccinations. These PSAs are brought to you by the Henry Ford Health System, in partnership with Pfizer--and feature former pro-football player Herman Moore. AUDIO
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