"Discovery Files" Features from the
National Science Foundation
Will You Use This Story? --
We are offering produced
"Discovery Files" audio vignettes from the National Science
Foundation (NSF); each segment is available as 320 kbps stereo MP3.
The segments are also available via
an RSS feed on the NSF site.
(Last updated
Thursday, September 25th.)
An international team of researchers led by the University of Arizona has sequenced the complete genome of African
rice: The genetic information will enhance scientists' and
agriculturalists' understanding of the growing patterns of African
rice--as well as enable the development of new rice varieties that are better able to cope with increasing environmental stressors, to help solve global hunger challenges.
(Posted on
September 25th.)
To fight back
against various forms of counterfeiting--especially counterfeit
drugs--researchers at the University of Michigan and in South Korea have
developed a way to make labels that change when you breathe on them,
revealing a hidden image. The labels work because an array of tiny
pillars on the top of a surface effectively hides images that are
written on the material beneath; the hidden images appear when the
pillars trap moisture. (Posted on
September 11th.)
Researchers from
UC Berkeley and MIT are developing computer algorithms to compensate for
an individual's visual impairment--and are creating vision-correcting
displays that enable users to see text and images clearly, without
wearing eyeglasses or contact lenses. The technology could
potentially help hundreds of millions of people who currently need
corrective lenses to use their smartphones, tablets, and computers; the
displays could also, one day, aid people with more-complex visual
problems that can't be corrected by eyeglasses. (Posted on
September 3rd.)
Scientists at the
University of Illinois attached RFID tags to hundreds of individual
honeybees, and tracked them for several weeks. They found that
some foraging bees are much busier than others--and that, if those busy
bees disappear, others will take their place. (Posted on August
Researchers from
UC Davis have found that--contrary to previous assumptions--preschoolers
are able to both gauge the strength of their memories, and make
decisions based on their self-assessments. The research involved
investigating whether kids could assess their confidence in their
memories, and then use those assessments in deciding whether to exclude
answers that they had generated but were unsure of when given the
option. (Posted on August 14th.)
The first
preclinical study of a new anti-cancer technology has found that a novel
combination of existing clinical treatments can instantaneously detect
and kill only cancer cells--often by blowing them apart--without harming
surrounding normal organs. According to the report, the Rice
University-developed "quadrapeutics" technology was 17 times more
efficient than conventional chemoradiation therapy against aggressive,
drug-resistant head and neck tumors. (Posted on August 7th.)
Researchers at the
University of Missouri--in a collaboration that involved both audio and
chemical analysis--have determined that plants respond to the sounds
that caterpillars make when eating plants, and that the plants respond
with more defenses. (Posted on July 25th.)
Facilitated by
both the American Institute of Mathematics and Driscoll's--and with a
goal to improve yields while also conserving water--mathematicians and
industry representatives have created models that help identify which
berry crops to plant where, and when. (Posted on July 18th.)
Researchers at
Duke have developed software that tracks and records infants' activity
during videotaped autism-screening tests; their results show that the
program is as good at spotting behavioral markers of autism as experts
giving the test themselves--and better than non-expert medical
clinicians and students in training. (Posted on July 15th.)
Scientists at the
University of Nevada, Reno, may have found the cause of the rapid uplift
of the Sierra Nevada mountain range: Their research shows that the
draining of the aquifer for agricultural irrigation in California's
Central Valley has resulted in an upward flexing of both the earth's
surface and the surrounding mountains, due to the loss of mass within
the valley. (Posted on July 8th.)
Researchers at the
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and UCLA have found that 15-
and 16-year-olds who find pleasure in pro-social activities--such as
giving their money to family members--are less likely to become
depressed than those who get a bigger thrill from taking risks or
keeping the money for themselves. (Posted on June 27th.)
A new type of
supercapacitor developed by engineers at Vanderbilt stores electricity
by assembling electrically charged ions on the surface of a porous
material--instead of storing it in chemical reactions, the way that
batteries do. As a result, they can charge and discharge in
minutes, instead of hours--and can operate for millions of cycles,
instead of thousands of cycles like batteries. (Posted on June 18th.)
researchers at Indiana University have developed a tool that helps
anyone determine whether a Twitter account is operated by a human or,
instead, by an automated software application known as a "social bot":
"BotOrNot" analyzes over 1,000 features from a user's friendship
network, their Twitter content, and temporal information, all in real
time. It then calculates the likelihood that the account may or
may not be a bot. (Posted on June 11th.)
Using a mixture of
cervical-cancer cells and a hydrogel substance that resembles an
ointment balm, a Drexel-led team of researchers can print out a tumor
model that may be used for studying both their growth and their response
to treatment--which could give cancer researchers a better look at how
tumors behave. (Posted on June 4th.)
While stimulus
programs are designed to boost the economy quickly by getting cash into
the hands of people who are likely to turn around and spend it, sending
cash to just the very poor may not be the right approach--according to
researchers from Princeton and NYU who analyzed information on the
finances of U.S. households from 1989 to 2010. (Posted on May 28th.)
Researchers from
the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign have developed a new
computer model that can help plant scientists breed soybean crops that
produce more while using less water. (Posted on May 21st.)
A joint study by
researchers at UC San Diego, the University at Buffalo, and the
University of Toronto has found that a computer-vision system can
distinguish between real or faked expressions of pain more accurately
than can humans. Beyond its obvious uses, the system could be used
to detect deceptive actions in the realms of security, psychopathology,
job screening, medicine, and law. (Posted on May
For the first
time, a field test led by scientists at UC Davis has demonstrated that
elevated levels of carbon dioxide inhibit plants' assimilation of
nitrate into proteins--indicating that the nutritional quality of food
crops is at risk as climate change intensifies. (Posted on May
Psychologists at
Vanderbilt have demonstrated that it's possible to selectively
manipulate our ability to learn, through the application of a mild
electrical current to the brain--and that this effect can be enhanced or
depressed, depending on the direction of the current. (Posted on April
A team of
environmental engineers from UT Austin has found that infants are
exposed to high levels of chemical emissions from crib mattresses while
they sleep; analyzing the foam padding in crib mattresses, the team
found that the mattresses release significant amounts of "volatile
organic compounds"--potentially harmful chemicals that are also found in
such household items as cleaners and scented sprays. (Posted on April
Once believed to
be manufactured only by marine bacteria, researchers at the University
of Washington used new tools to measure and track vitamin B-12 in the
ocean; their results show that a whole different class of
organism--called "archaea"--can likewise supply this essential vitamin. (Posted on April
Scientists at the
University of Washington find that it's the smell of fermentation that
draws fruit flies to food--with the flies utilizing their antennae to
detect the odors. (Posted on April 2nd.)
Exposing leafy
vegetables that are grown during extended spaceflight to a few bright
pulses of light each day could increase the amount of eye-protecting
nutrients that are produced by the plants--according to researchers at
CU-Boulder. Current research into space gardening tends to focus
on getting the plants to grow as large as possible, as quickly as
possible, by providing optimal light, water, and fertilizer; however,
the conditions that are ideal for producing biomass are not necessarily
ideal for the production of many nutrients. (Originally posted on
March 25th; revised on April 3rd.)
Researchers from
Iowa State, Penn State, and Grand Valley have found that
aggression-causing genes appeared early in animal evolution--and have
maintained their roles for millions of years, and across many
species--even though animal aggression today varies widely, from
territorial fighting to setting up social hierarchies. (Posted on
March 19th.)
Researchers at the
University of Washington and the University of Connecticut find that
what spurs early language development isn't so much the quantity of
words that a baby hears as the style of speech and social context in
which speech occurs. They measured parents' use of a regular
speaking voice, versus an exaggerated, animated, "baby talk" style--and
whether speech occurred one-on-one between parent and child, or in group
settings. (Posted on
March 10th.)
For the first time
ever, a team led by CU-Boulder has sequenced the internal bacterial
makeup of the three major life-stages of a butterfly species--finding
that some surprising events occur during metamorphosis. (Posted on
March 5th.)
A team of
scientists and engineers at Harvard has demonstrated a new type of
battery that could fundamentally transform the way that electricity is
stored on the grid--making power from renewable-energy sources such as
wind and solar far more economical and reliable. (Posted on
February 24th.)
A study on infant
cognition at the University of Chicago has found that--even before
babies have language skills, or much information about social
structures--they can infer whether others are likely to be friends, by
observing their likes and dislikes. The results offer a new window
into humans' earliest understanding of the social world around them--and
suggest that even nine-month-old infants can engage in reasoning about
whether the people they observe are friends. (Posted on
February 14th.)
Much of the
naturally occurring radioactivity in wastewater from fracking (hydraulic
fracturing) might be removed by blending it with acid mine drainage,
according to a Duke University-led study; the researchers also believe
that such a blend could help reduce the depletion of local freshwater
resources, by giving drillers a source of usable recycled water for the
fracking process. (Posted on
February 8th.)
Researchers at
Johns Hopkins have found that caffeine has a positive effect on
long-term memory in humans; their research shows that caffeine enhances
certain memories at least up to 24 hours after it's consumed. (Posted on
January 31st.)
Researchers at
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory have found one genetic mechanism for
"hybrid vigor"--a property of plant breeding that has been exploited to
boost yield since the early 20th century. The research may allow
commercial tomato growers to coax their plants into producing more
fruit--without sacrificing the unique and necessary bushy shape of the
plants. (Posted on
January 24th.)
One of the largest
and longest experiments ever done to test the impact of nutrient loading
on coral reefs has confirmed what scientists have long suspected--that
this type of pollution from sewage, agricultural practices, or other
sources can lead to coral disease and bleaching. However, the
study--by researchers from Oregon State, Florida International, and the
University of Florida--also found that once the injection of pollutants
was stopped, the corals were able to recover in a surprisingly short
time. (Posted on
January 17th.)
Researchers from
Ohio State, the University of Minnesota, and Lawrence Livermore are
developing a new kind of geothermal-power plant that will lock away
unwanted carbon dioxide underground--and use it as a tool to boost
electric-power generation by at least 10 times, compared with existing
geothermal-energy approaches. (Posted on
January 10th.)
Engineers at
Cornell have created a device that employs your smartphone's camera to
read your cholesterol level in about a minute; it optically detects
biomarkers in a drop of blood--then discerns the results, using color
analysis. (Posted on
January 3rd.)
Nanoengineers from
UC San Diego have found that "nanosponges" that soak up a dangerous
pore-forming toxin that's produced by MRSA could serve as a safe and
effective vaccine against this toxin; this "nanosponge vaccine" enabled
the immune systems of mice to block the adverse effects of the
"alpha-haemolysin" toxin from MRSA--both within the bloodstream and on
the skin. (Posted on
December 26th.)
People who can
accurately remember details of their daily lives going back decades are
as susceptible as everyone else to forming fake memories; in a series of
tests to determine how false information can manipulate memory
formation, psychologists and neurobiologists at UC Irvine discovered
that subjects with "highly superior autobiographical memory" logged
scores that were similar to those of a control group of subjects with
average memory. (Posted on
December 18th.)
scientists at Carnegie Mellon have developed a new password system that
incorporates inkblots, in order to provide an extra measure of
protection when lists of passwords get stolen; this new type of password
would be suitable for protecting high-value, sensitive
information--including bank accounts and medical records. (Posted on
December 11th.)
A research team
led by the University of New Hampshire finds that mammal body size
decreased significantly during at least two ancient global-warming
events--which suggests that a similar outcome is possible in response to
human-caused climate change. (Posted on
December 5th.)
Scientists have
fingerprinted a distinctive atmospheric wave pattern high above the
Northern Hemisphere that can foreshadow the emergence of summertime heat
waves in the U.S. more than two weeks in advance; led by scientists at
the National Center for Atmospheric Research, the new research could
potentially enable probability forecasts 15-20 days out--giving society
more time to prepare for these often-deadly events. (Posted on
November 27th.)
Researchers at
Brown and Yale universities tracked specific similarities in how human
and rodent subjects adapted to errors as they performed a simple
time-estimation task; their results suggest that people and rats may
think alike when they have made a mistake and are trying to adjust their
thinking. (Posted on
November 20th.)
Researchers from
NC State have developed software that allows them to map unknown
environments--such as collapsed buildings--based on the movement of a
swarm of insect cyborgs, or "bio-bots". (Posted on
November 12th.)
A team of Stanford
engineers has built a basic computer using carbon nanotubes--a
semiconductor material that has the potential to launch a new generation
of electronic devices that run faster, while using less energy, than
those that are made from silicon chips. (Posted on
November 5th.)
Researchers from
UC Davis and Johns Hopkins have identified, for the first time, a
biological pathway that's activated when blood-sugar levels are
abnormally high--and that causes irregular heartbeats that are linked
with heart failure and sudden cardiac death. (Posted on
October 31st.)
People who are
better able to move to a beat show more-consistent brain responses to
speech than those with less rhythm, according to a study by researchers
at Northwestern University. The findings suggest that musical
training could possibly sharpen the brain's response to language. (Posted on
October 21st.)
engineers at the University of Utah have developed a network of wireless
sensors that can detect a person falling; this monitoring technology
could be linked to a service that would call emergency help for the
elderly, without requiring them to wear monitoring devices. (Posted on September
researchers have developed a transparent speaker that involves a
high-voltage signal running across and through a thin sheet of rubber
that's sandwiched between two layers of a saltwater gel. It also
represents the first demonstration that electrical charges that are
carried by ions--rather than electrons--can be put to meaningful use in
fast-moving, high-voltage devices. (Posted on September
Researchers based
at Brown University pinpoint the brainwave frequencies and brain region
that are associated with sleep-enhanced learning of a sequential
finger-tapping task that's akin to either playing the piano or typing. (Posted on September
According to a
toxicity test that was developed at the University of Utah, when mice
ate a diet of 25-percent extra sugar--the mouse equivalent of a healthy
human diet plus three cans of soda daily--females died at twice the
normal rate, and males were a quarter less likely to hold territory and
reproduce. (Posted on September 4th.)
Researchers from
Princeton and UC-Berkeley have found that even slight spikes in
temperature and precipitation have greatly increased the risk of
personal violence and social upheaval throughout human history. (Posted on August
A research team
led by UC-Riverside has discovered a new drought-protecting chemical
that shows high potential for becoming a powerful tool for crop
protection in the new world of extreme weather. Named
"quinabactin" by the researchers, the chemical mimics a naturally
occurring stress hormone in plants that helps them cope with drought
conditions. (Posted on August 14th.)
Removing even one
bumblebee species from an ecosystem can result in both pollination
becoming less effective, and plants producing significantly fewer seeds.
That's according to a new study showing that reduced competition among
pollinators disrupts floral fidelity, or specialization, among the
remaining bees in the system--leading to less-successful plant
reproduction. (Posted on August 4th.)
researchers at Harvard say that significant reductions in mercury
emissions will be necessary just to stabilize current levels of the
toxic element in the environment; in a new study, they report that so
much mercury persists in surface reservoirs from past pollution--going
back thousands of years--that it will continue to both persist in the
ocean and accumulate in fish for decades to centuries to come. (Posted on July
A new technology
that was developed by researchers at NYU-Poly may make spotty streaming
and data-hogging downloads a thing of the past. The patent-pending
technique--called "streamloading"--essentially splits video into two
layers: a "base" layer, which contains a coarse representation of the
video; and an "enhancement" layer, which both completes the image
quality and includes the fine-grain details. (Posted on July 16th.)
Thanks to a team
based at both Harvard University and the University of Illinois at
Urbana-Champaign, 3-D printing can now be used to print lithium-ion
microbatteries that are the size of a grain of sand; the printed
microbatteries could supply electricity to tiny devices in fields from
medicine to communications. (Posted on July 9th.)
A toxin that's
dangerous to humans may help E. coli fend off aquatic
predators--enabling strains of E. coli that produce the toxin to
survive longer in lake water than benign counterparts--according to a
new study from the University at Buffalo and Mercyhurst University.
The findings have implications for water-quality testing: They
suggest that measuring the overall population of E. coli in a
river or lake may be a poor way to find out whether the water poses a
danger to swimmers. (Posted on July 1st.)
A study from Brown
University finds that theta-brainwave activity in the prefrontal cortex
predicts how well people can overcome the innate biases that tell them
to act when they can obtain rewards, and to remain inactive in order to
avoid punishment.
(Posted on June 18th.)
Using a
state-of-the-art atomic-force microscope, scientists at UC-Berkeley have
taken the first atom-by-atom pictures--including images of the chemical
bonds between atoms--that clearly depict how a molecule's structure
changed during a reaction. Until now, scientists have only been
able to infer this type of information, from spectroscopic analysis.
(Posted on June 11th.)
Adding captivating
visuals to a textbook lesson in order to attract children's interest may
sometimes make it harder for them to learn; researchers at Ohio State
found that six- to eight-year-old children best learned how to read
simple bar graphs when the graphs were plain and in a single color.
(Posted on June 4th.)
The explosive
popularity of wireless devices is increasingly clogging the
airwaves--resulting in dropped calls, wasted bandwidth, and botched
connections. However, new software that's being developed at the
University of Michigan works to both control the traffic and
dramatically reduce interference.
(Posted on May 23rd.)
By using swarms of
untethered grippers--each as small as a speck of dust--Johns Hopkins
engineers and physicians say that they've devised a new way to perform
biopsies that could provide a more-effective way to access narrow
conduits in the body--as well as find early signs of cancer or other
(Posted on May 15th.)
Researchers at the
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign have developed new
micro-batteries that out-power even the best supercapacitors--and could
drive new applications in radio communications and compact electronics.
(Posted on May 6th.)
Scientists have found that reductions in four heat-trapping pollutants
that cycle comparatively quickly through the atmosphere--methane,
tropospheric ozone, hydrofluorocarbons, and black carbon--could
temporarily forestall the rate of sea-level rise by roughly 25 to 50
(Posted on April 26th.)
"Privacy-Preserving Photo-Sharing"--a new tool that was developed by a
research team at USC--removes small amounts of crucial data from a photo
and encrypts them--allowing cloud file-sharing services to have only the
unencrypted, but now unrecognizable, portion. The photo's owner
can then choose to share the encrypted portion with other
parties--allowing them to see the whole picture--without ever uploading
it to the cloud.
(Posted on April 17th.)
A study led by a
University of Iowa psychologist found that residents of a town that was
struck by a tornado thought that their risk of injury from a future
tornado was lower than that of peers--both a month and a year after the
destructive twister. The researchers believe that such optimism
could undermine efforts toward emergency preparedness.
(Posted on April 11th.)
A team of
researchers has found the first example of an organism with a nucleus
that has adapted to extreme environments based on "horizontal gene
transfer": the red alga Galdieria sulphuraria, which can thrive
in such diverse environments as hot springs and old mineshafts.
(Posted on April 1st.)
Scientists at
Northwestern University have identified conditions and properties that
power companies can consider using to keep power generators in a desired
synchronized state--and help make a self-healing power grid a reality.
Their design could help reduce both the frequency of blackouts and the
cost of electricity--as well as offer an improved plan for handling the
intermittent power sources of renewable energy, which can destabilize
the network.
(Posted on March 19th.)
engineers at Oregon State have discovered a way to use high-frequency
sound waves to enhance the magnetic storage of data--offering a new
approach to improve the data-storage capabilities of a multitude of
electronic devices.
(Posted on March 8th.)
Using underwater
video cameras to record fish feeding on South Pacific coral reefs,
scientists from Georgia Tech have found that herbivorous fish can be
picky eaters--a trait that could spell trouble for endangered reef
systems: Just four species of fish were primarily responsible for
removing common and potentially harmful seaweeds on reefs--and each type
of seaweed is eaten by a different species. The research
demonstrates that particular species--and certain mixes of species--are
potentially critical to the health of reef systems.
(Posted on February 25th.)
The Food and Drug
Administration has granted market approval to an artificial-retina
technology--specifically, the first bionic eye to be approved for
patients in the U.S.; the prosthetic technology was developed in part
with support from NSF. The device--called the Argus® II Retinal
Prosthesis System--transmits images wirelessly from a small,
eyeglass-mounted camera to a microelectrode array that's implanted on a
patient's damaged retina; the array sends electrical signals via the
optic nerve--and the brain interprets a visual image.
(Posted on February 18th.)
A new study finds
that the heat that's generated by everyday activities in metropolitan
areas alters the character of the jet stream and other major atmospheric
systems; this affects temperatures across thousands of
miles--significantly warming some areas, and cooling others.
(Posted on February 14th.)
Researchers at NC
State have come up with a technique to embed needle-like carbon
nanofibers in an elastic membrane--creating a flexible "bed of nails" on
the nanoscale that opens the door to development of new drug-delivery
(Posted on February 4th.)
Scientists from
Michigan State and the Chinese Academy of Sciences forecast how a
changing climate may affect the most-common species of bamboo that
carpets the forest floors of prime panda habitat in northwestern China.
(Posted on January 28th.)
Researchers from
the University of Illinois and UC San Diego have discovered a new
compound that restores the health of mice that are infected with
methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)--an
otherwise-dangerous bacterial infection. The new compound targets
an enzyme that's not found in human cells, but which is essential to
bacterial survival.
(Posted on January 18th.)
Research from the
University of Chicago finds that people are able to detect--within a
split second--if a hurtful action that they're witnessing is intentional
or accidental. Its study is the first to explain how the brain is
hard-wired to recognize when another person is being intentionally
harmed--and provides new insights into how such recognition is connected
with emotion and morality.
(Posted on January 11th.)
Scientists at the
University of Utah uncover how insects domesticate bacteria--after a man
who was cutting down a tree cut his hand and then sought medical help.
(Posted on January 2nd.)
Researchers at
UCLA have developed a lightweight device that attaches to a cellphone to
detect allergens in food samples. The "iTube" attachment uses the
phone's built-in camera--along with an accompanying application that
runs a test with the same high level of sensitivity that a laboratory
would. (Posted on
December 26th.)
According to a
recent study, threatened corals send signals to fish "bodyguards" that
quickly respond to trim back noxious algae--which can kill the coral, if
not promptly removed. Scientists at Georgia Tech found evidence
that these "mutualistic" fish respond to chemical signals from the coral
in a matter of minutes--like an emergency call. (Posted on
December 18th.)
A study finds that
decades of extreme weather crippled--and ultimately decimated--first the
political culture and later the human population of the ancient Maya. (Posted on
December 11th.)
A chemist at
Princeton has developed a way to make common metals act like precious
ones--specifically, to make iron function like platinum. The
process could help reduce companies' dependence on rare elements that
are used as catalysts in the manufacturing process. (Posted on
November 29th.)
Researchers at
Ohio State and the University of Cincinnati have discovered why plants
and animals had a hard time recovering from the largest mass extinction
in Earth's history, 250 million years ago: According to their
study, the species that survived the extinction didn't fully recover for
five million years because of the environmental consequences of rising
temperatures. (Posted on
November 21st.)
Researchers at
Harvard find that--when it comes to the health of forests, native
plants, and wildlife--the best management decision may be to do nothing. (Posted on
November 15th.)
University of
Akron polymer scientists and biologists have discovered that the common
house spider--in order to more efficiently capture different types of
prey--performs an uncommon feat: It tailors one glue to
demonstrate two adhesive strengths--firm and weak. (Posted on
November 4th.)
Research from
Cornell University indicates that getting rid of insects could trigger
some unwelcome ecological consequences--such as the rapid loss of
desired traits in plants, including their good taste and high yields. (Posted on October 26th.)
Researchers from
Rice University, Bell Labs, and Yale University have created a
multi-antenna technology that could help wireless providers keep pace
with the voracious demands of data-hungry smartphones and tablets.
The technology aims to dramatically increase network capacity by
allowing cell towers to simultaneously beam signals to more than a dozen
customers on the same frequency. (Posted on October 22nd.)
A team of
researchers based at Oregon State University has, for the first time,
confirmed some of the mechanisms by which overfishing and nitrate
pollution can help destroy coral reefs: It appears that they allow
an overgrowth of algae that can bring with it unwanted pathogens, choke
off oxygen, and disrupt helpful bacteria. (Posted on October 10th.)
Johns Hopkins
researchers have created a synthetic protein that--when activated by
ultraviolet light--can guide doctors to places within the body where
cancer, arthritis, and other serious medical disorders can be detected.
(Posted on September 28th.)
Responding to an
urgent need for better antibacterial coatings on surgical sutures,
scientists at UMass-Amherst report the discovery of a new coating that's
almost 1,000 times more effective than the most-widely-used commercial
(Posted on September 21st.)
Research by a
professor at the Florida Institute of Technology finds that predatory
crabs are poised to return to warming Antarctic waters and disrupt the
primeval marine communities that have lived there for millions of years.
(Posted on September 13th.)
University researchers find that the "pulvinar"--a mysterious region
deep in the human brain--could be where we sort through the onslaught of
stimuli from the outside world, and focus on the information that's most
important to our behavior and survival.
(Posted on September 6th.)
Researchers from
Arizona State University and the National Center for Atmospheric
Research conduct a study attempting to quantify the impact of rapidly
expanding "megapolitan" areas--such as Arizona's "Sun Corridor"--on
regional climate.
(Posted on August 29th.)
Enormous volcanic
"super-eruptions" with the potential to end civilizations may have
surprisingly short fuses, a Vanderbilt University-led study finds.
(Posted on August 17th.)
A new study--which
includes the first large-scale comparison of fungi that cause rot
decay--suggests that the evolution of a type of fungi known as "white
rot" may have brought an end to a 60-million-year-long period of coal
deposition known as the "Carboniferous period". In addition, the
study provides insights about diverse fungal enzymes that might be used
in the future to help generate biofuels--which are currently among the
most-promising and -attractive alternatives to fossil fuels for powering
(Posted on August 10th.)
Scientists at the
Hubbard Brook Long-Term Ecological Research site discover that a
combination of today's higher atmospheric carbon-dioxide level and its
atmospheric fallout is altering the hydrology and water quality of
forested watersheds.
(Posted on August 3rd.)
Researchers at
Carnegie Mellon University's Robotics Institute have invented a "smart"
headlight system that can improve visibility for drivers by constantly
redirecting light to shine between particles of precipitation.
(Posted on July 26th.)
A grasshopper's
change in diet to high-energy carbohydrates while being hunted by
spiders may affect the way that soil releases carbon dioxide into the
atmosphere--according to a study by researchers at Yale and Hebrew
(Posted on July 22nd.)
With the advent of
semiconductor transistors has come the consistent demand for faster,
more-energy-efficient technologies. To fill this need, researchers
at the University of Pittsburgh are proposing a new spin on an old
method: a switch from the use of silicon electronics back to vacuums as
a medium for electron transport.
(Posted on July 13th.)
Participants in a
study at Northwestern University learned how to play two artificially
generated musical tunes with key presses. Then, while the
participants took a nap, the researchers presented one of the tunes--but
not the other. The study results show that such stimulation during
sleep can indeed enhance skill learning.
(Posted on July 6th.)
Researchers from
Harvard University have invented a way to keep any metal surface free of
ice and frost. The technology prevents ice sheets from developing
on surfaces--and any ice that does form slides off effortlessly.
(Posted on June 29th.)
A laboratory test
that's used to both detect disease and perform biological research could
be made more than three million times more sensitive--according to
Princeton University researchers who combined standard biological tools
with a breakthrough in nanotechnology.
(Posted on June 22nd.)
The Harvard-based
"RoboBees" project aims to artificially mimic the collective behavior
and "intelligence" of a bee colony, with the goal of gaining a greater
understanding of fields such as entomology, developmental biology,
amorphous computing, and electrical engineering.
(Posted on June 14th.)
Researchers from
the University of Michigan and The New School for Social Research find
that text messaging is a surprisingly good way to get candid responses
to sensitive questions.
(Posted on June 6th.)
A study by
researchers at Notre Dame, Princeton, and Duke universities finds that
high-ranking male baboons recover more quickly from injuries--and are
less likely to become ill--than other males.
(Posted on May 31st.)
Birds and other
animals change their behavior in response to manmade noise.
However, research conducted by the National Evolutionary Synthesis
Center finds that such clamor doesn't just affect them: Because
many animals also pollinate plants or disperse their seeds, human noise
can also have ripple effects on plants.
(Posted on May 25th.)
An Ohio State
University study suggests that people aren't very good at "media
multitasking" (for example, reading a book while watching TV), but do it
anyway because it makes them feel good.
(Posted on May 17th.)
Researchers at
Purdue University are developing a technique that uses nanotechnology to
harvest energy from hot pipes or engine components, in order to
potentially recover energy that's wasted in factories, power plants, and
(Posted on May 11th.)
Analysis of data
from the "IceCube Neutrino Observatory"--a massive detector
that's deployed in
deep ice at the geographic South Pole--provides new insight into one of
the most-enduring mysteries in physics: the production of cosmic rays.
(Posted on May 3rd.)
A fossil that was
found in Ethiopia by researchers from The Cleveland Museum of Natural
History and Case Western Reserve University indicates that--between
three million and four million years ago--there were at least two
pre-human species living on the Earth.
(Posted on April 27th.)
A study led by
researchers at Massachusetts General Hospital has revealed a remarkably
simple--but previously hidden--organizational structure within the
(Posted on April 20th.)
Do some
high-school teachers think that math is harder for girls than for boys?
Researchers at the University of Texas at Austin who looked at grades,
test scores, and how teachers rated their students' abilities found bias
against white girls that can't be explained by their academic
(Posted on April 12th.)
New research finds
that sea levels will likely rise between 40 and 70 feet over at least
the next several centuries--even if global warming is limited to 2
degrees Celsius (3.6 degrees Fahrenheit).
(Posted on April 6th.)
A University of
Illinois at Chicago biologist and his colleagues think that the
subterranean lifestyle of the naked mole-rat may hold clues to keeping
brain cells alive and functioning when oxygen is scarce. The key
may lie in how brain cells regulate their intake of calcium.
(Posted on April 2nd.)
Mathematicians at
the University of Utah have developed a set of calculus equations to
make it easier for doctors to save acetaminophen-overdose patients, by
quickly estimating how much painkiller they took, when they consumed it,
and whether they will require a liver transplant to survive.
(Posted on March 22nd.)
An engineer at
Iowa State University is working to develop computer-modeling technology
that will show engineers how to chip away at the surfaces of electric
motors, in order to help them create new designs and shapes that can
increase power generation.
(Posted on March 15th.)
A two-year study
of high-school football players conducted by Purdue University suggests
that concussions are likely caused by many hits over time--and not from
a single blow to the head, as is commonly believed.
(Posted on March 9th.)
restoration is a billion-dollar-a-year industry in the U.S. that aims to
create ecosystems similar to those that disappeared over the past
century. However, a new analysis of restoration projects shows
that restored wetlands seldom reach the quality of a natural wetland.
(Posted on February 28th.)
Researchers have
developed a system that taps into photosynthetic processes to produce
efficient and inexpensive energy. Specifically, the system
improves the efficiency of generating electric power by using molecular
structures that were extracted from plants--which has the potential to
make "green" electricity dramatically cheaper and easier.
(Posted on February 22nd.)
Engineers at Brown
University have designed a biological device that can measure glucose
concentrations in human saliva--which could eliminate the need for
diabetics to draw blood to check their glucose levels.
(Posted on February 15th.)
Predictions of the
loss of animal and plant diversity around the world are common under
models of future climate change. But, a new study by researchers
at both the University of Connecticut and the University of Washington
shows that--because these climate models don't account for species
competition and movement--they could grossly underestimate future
(Posted on February 8th.)
Researchers at
Michigan State University demonstrate how a new virus evolves--which
sheds light on how easy it can be for diseases to gain dangerous
(Posted on February 2nd.)
An NSF-sponsored
study in Chicago-area communities where neighborhood evacuations are
likely due to large amounts of toxic materials that are transported
nearby found that most respondents felt that the evacuation of New
Orleans residents to the Superdome after Hurricane Katrina was a
"failure"--and that this opinion has shaped their willingness to accept
shelter, if offered, in an emergency evacuation.
(Posted on January 25th.)
A group of
researchers at Case Western Reserve University report that an insect's
internal chemicals can be converted to electricity--potentially
providing power for sensors or recording devices, or even to control the
bug itself.
(Posted on January 16th.)
For the first
time, scientists at the University of Southern California have unlocked
a mechanism behind the way that short- and long-term motor memory both
work together and compete against one another. The research could
potentially pave the way to more-effective rehabilitation for stroke
(Posted on January 16th.)
Low-income women
with children who move from high-poverty to lower-poverty neighborhoods
experience notable, long-term improvements in some aspects of their
health--specifically, reductions in diabetes and extreme
obesity--according to a study led by the University of Chicago.
(Posted on January 5th.)
Researchers from
the University of California, Riverside, and The University of
Nottingham have discovered how plants sense low oxygen levels to survive
flooding--which could eventually lead to the production of
high-yielding, flood-tolerant crops that would benefit farmers, markets,
and consumers everywhere.
(Posted on December 29th.)
Researchers at
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute have developed a new method to design
antibodies that are aimed at combating disease. Specifically, the
process was used to make antibodies that neutralize the harmful protein
particles that lead to Alzheimer's disease.
(Posted on December 20th.)
A new software
tool called MediaMined™ provides unprecedented searches of audio files
that go beyond just keywords--because it analyzes and categorizes the
actual characteristics of the sounds themselves.
(Posted on December 13th.)
Researchers at the University of Chicago
have found that preschool children who hear their parents describe the
size and shape of objects--and then use those words themselves--perform
better on tests of their spatial skills. The study is the first to
show that learning to use a wide range of spatial words predicts
children's later spatial thinking--which, in turn, is important in
mathematics, science, and technology.
(Posted on December 4th.)
A first-of-its-kind study from Harvard
shows that cooked meat provides more energy than raw meat. The finding
may challenge the current food-labeling system--and suggests that humans
are evolutionarily adapted to take advantage of the benefits of cooking.
(Posted on November 26th.)
A new study from researchers at Worcester
Polytechnic Institute shows that cranberry juice is better than extracts
at fighting urinary-tract infections.
(Posted on November 14th.)
Scientists have created an EEG-based,
noninvasive brain-computer interface that allows users to control a
virtual helicopter using only their minds.
(Posted on November 8th.)
A decade-long study by a team of U.S. and
Chinese researchers is one of the first to provide hard evidence that
certain environmental pollutants are indeed linked to birth defects.
(Posted on November 5th.)
Cassava, banana, and plantain--staple
foods for millions of the world's poorest people--are notoriously
difficult to breed. But, an international team of scientists aims
to change that--using a revolutionary new approach to plant breeding
developed at the University of California, Davis. (Posted
on November 5th.)
Gamers have solved the structure of a
retrovirus enzyme whose configuration had stumped scientists for more
than a decade. The gamers achieved their discovery by playing
Foldit, an online game that allows players to collaborate and compete in
predicting the structure of protein molecules. (Posted on
November 5th.)
Researchers at the University of Michigan
are developing a new "subconscious mode" for smartphones and other
mobile devices that could greatly extend battery life.
(Posted on November 5th.)