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Public Service Announcements from National
Stroke Association
Will You Use This Story? --
This year, approximately 750,000 Americans
will needlessly suffer from a disabling and often-deadly disease:
stroke. Although stroke is the third-leading cause of death and
the leading cause of adult disability in the U.S., the understanding of
stroke among Americans is surprisingly low.
:30 -- Version #1
Along with all the
other bad things that cholesterol does, it turns out that it's a risk
factor for strokes. The good news from National Stroke
Association is that you can control your cholesterol, by
exercising regularly, eating right, and asking your doctor about
medicines that can help lower your cholesterol--like statins.
Lowering cholesterol has been shown to reduce the risk of a first
stroke. And, if you've already had a stroke, it's even more
important that you lower your cholesterol. Lower your chances of
stroke, by controlling your cholesterol levels. Talk to your
doctor, and visit
"stroke"-dot-org, today.
:30 -- Version #2
don't get many second chances; this one could save your life. A
"T-I-A"--or "transient ischemic attack"--is a mini-stroke. Symptoms
usually go away within 24 hours--and you feel fine again. But, if
you don't get to a stroke center or hospital fast, you risk a
full-fledged stroke that can change your life forever. Don't take
that chance; contact National Stroke Association at
1-800-"STROKES"--or visit
"stroke"-dot-org--and find out more about recognizing stroke
symptoms, fast. Do it now--while there's still time.
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